
Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/14 Beethoven Song Titles in English

"Der Zufriedene" (The Contented Man?)
Sometimes I wish Beethoven's pieces had more memorable titles than "Symphony Number 8 in F major Opus Number 93".  Apparently it's not cool to put "nicknames" to Beethoven's works, especially ones he didn't name himself, such as the "Moonlight" or "Fur Elise", but they do make it easier sometimes.  Fortunately his German lieder (songs) do come with songs titles and some are pretty "hot"...

In order of Opus No, then WoO No.:

An die Hoffnung (To Hope) 1st ver., Op.32 (1805)
Adelaide, Op.46 (1795)
6 Lieder Op.48 (1802): 
- 1. Bitten (Entreaty)
- 2. Die Liebe des Nachsten (Love of one's neighbor)
- 3. Vom Tode (Of Death)
- 4. Die Ehre Gottes aus de Natur (The Glory of God in nature)
- 5. Gottes Macht und Vorsehung (God's power and providence)
- 6. Busslied (Song of penance)
8 Lieder Op.52 (1793):
- 1.Urians Reise um die Welt (Urian's voyage round the world)
- 2.Feuerfarb' (The color of flame)
- 3.Das Liedchen von der Ruhe (The Little song about peace)
- 4.Maigesang (Maying Song)
- 5.Mollys Abschied (Molly's Departure)
- 6.Die Liebe (Love)
- 7.Marmotte
- 8.Das Blümchen Wunderhold (The Little flower wondrous fair)
3 Gesange Op.83 (1810), 
- 1. Wonne der Wehmut (Joy of Sadness)
- 2. Sehnsucht (Longing)
- 3. Mit einem gemalten Band (With a painted ribbon)
6 Gesänge, Op.75 (1809) : 
- 1.Kennst du das Land (Do you know the land)
- 2.Neue Liebe, neues Leben (New love new life)
- 3.Aus Goethes Faust (Mephisto's Flohlied/Song of the flea)
- 4.Gretels Warnung (Gretel's warning)
- 5.An den fernen Geliebten (To the distant beloved)
- 6.Der Zufriedene (The Contented man)
4 Arietten und ein Duett, Op.82 (1809): 
- 1.Dimmi, ben mio, che m'ami (Tell me dearest that you love me)
- 2.T'intendo si, mio cor (My heart, I hear you well)
- 3.L'amante impaziente (The impatient Lover, Arietta buffa)
- 4.L'amante impaziente (Arietta assai seriosa)
- 5.Odi l'aura che dolce sospira (Listen to the breeze which sweetly sighs,Duett)
Vita felice (Joy of friendship, from Happy life) Op.88 (1803)
An die Hoffnung (To Hope) (2nd Version) Op.94 (1814)
An die ferne Geliebte (To my Beloved, far away, a song cycle by Jeitteles) Op.98 (1816), 
- 1. Auf dem Hugel sitz' ich spahend (On the hill I sit, peering)
- 2. Wo die Berge so blau (Where the mountains so blue)
- 3. Leichte Segler in dem Hohen (Easy scudders in the heights)
- 4. Diese Wolken in dem Hohen (These clouds in the heights)
- 5. Es kehret der Maien, es bluhet die Au (The Maytime is coming..)
- 6. Nimm sie hin denn, diese Lieder (Take them hence then, these songs)
Der Mann von Wort (A man of his word), Op.99 (1816)
Merkenstein, Op.100 (2nd version) (1814)
Ariette (Der Kuss/The Kiss) Op.128 (1822)
Achilderung eines Madchens (Portrait of a maiden)WoO.107 (1782)
Seufzer eines Ungeliebten - Gegenlieb (Sigh of one who is unloved-Love returned) WoO.118 (1795)
Ich liebe dieh, so wie du mich (I Love you as you love me, Gentle Love) WoO.123 (1795)
La partenze (The Parting) WoO.124 (1795)
Opferlied (Sacrificial Song) WoO.126 (1795)
Der Wachtelschlag (The Song of the Quail) WoO.129 (1803)
Als die Geliebte sich trennen wolte (When my lover wanted to part -
- feelings on Lydia's unfaithfulness) WoO.132 (1806)
In questa tomba oscura (In this dark grave), WoO.133 (1807)
Die laute Klage (The loud lament), WoO.135 (1808)
Andenken (Memory), WoO.136 (1808)
Gesang aus der Ferne (Song from afar), WoO.137 (1809)
Der Jüngling in der Fremde (The Youth in foreign parts), WoO.138 (1809)
Der Liebende (The Lover), WoO.139 (1809)
Der Bardengeist (The Bardic spirit), WoO.142 (1813)
Das Geheimnis (The Secret) (Liebe und Wahrheit/Love and truth), WoO.145 (1815)
Sehnsucht (Yearning), WoO.146 (1816)
Ruf vom Berge (Call from the mountain), WoO.147 (1816)
Resignation, WoO.149 (1817)
Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel (Evening song under a starry sky), WoO.150 (1820)
An einen Säugling (To an infant), WoO.108 (1783)
Erhebt das Glas mit froher Hand (Trinklied, beim Abschied zu singen) (Raise your glass with gladsome hand - drinking song for farewell), WoO.109 (1792)
Elegie auf den Tod eines Pudels (Elegy on the death of a poodle), WoO.110 (1790)
Punschlied (Song in praise of Punch), WoO.111 (1792)
An Laura (To Laura), WoO.112 (1792)
Klage (Lament), WoO.113 (1790)
Ein Selbstgespräch (Soliloquy), WoO.114 (1793)
An Minna, (To Minna) WoO.115 (1792)
Que le temps me dure (How slowly time passes) , WoO.116 (1793
Der freie Mann (the free man), WoO.117 (1794)
Oh care selve, oh cara (Oh beloved forests), WoO.119 (1795)
Man strebt, die Flamme zu verhehlen (One strives to conceal the fire), WoO.120 (1802)
La tiranna (The tyranny), WoO.125 (1799)
Neue Liebe, neues Leben (New love, new life), WoO.127 (1799)
Song in G major: "Plaisir d’aimer besoin d’une âme tendre"(Pleasure of love needs a gentle soul), WoO.128 (1799)
Song in C minor: "Gedenke mein, ich denke dein" (Remember me, I think of you), WoO.130 (1804-20)
An die Geliebte (To the beloved), WoO.140 (1811)
Der Gesang der Nachtigall (Song of the nightingale), WoO.141 (1813)
Des Kriegers Abschied (The Warrior's farewell), WoO.143 (1814)
So oder so (It's all the same), WoO.148 (1817)
Der edle Mensch (The noble man), WoO.151 (1823)
Gesang aus der Ferne (Song from afar) (1. ver.)
Das liebe Kätzchen (Our dear pussy), Hess 133
Der Knabe auf dem Berge (The boy on the hill), Hess 134 (1820)

(WoO 110 - "Elegy on the death of a poodle" - wow, I can't imagine Beethoven with a poodle - I just can't.)

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