
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10/13 When Beethoven Composed What

Every year WHRB hosts a music "Orgy" - that is, they play a marathon of music devoted to one musician.  In 2008 they did a HUGE one for Ludwig Van. They played every single Beethoven work in chronological order.  Sadly I was completely unaware of this at the time and so missed the whole darn thing!  Fortunately I was able to download the program guide and what's cool about that is that it lists all of Beethoven's works in chronological order, including the more obscure works.  It's an incredible document by itself, so I'll offer it up here...

WHRB 2008 Beethoven ORGY Guide

As an additional bonus, I took the guide and reformatted it so that it can be more easily viewed (also I took out all the lieder and folk songs, they kind of cluttered up the thing.  Enjoy this fascinating compositional timeline....HERE.

Here's a sample:
1782:     Nine Variations for Piano on a March by Dressler in c, WoO 63; Pletnev (DG)
    Piano Sonata in Eb, WoO 47,No.1, “Kurfürsten Sonata”; Gilels (DG)
1783:     Piano Sonata in f, WoO 47, No. 2, “Kurfürsten Sonata”; Gilels (DG)
    Piano Sonata in D, WoO 47, No. 3, “Kurfürsten Sonata”; Demus (Vanguard LP)
    Rondo in C for Piano, WoO 48; Pletnev (DG)
    Rondo in A for Piano, WoO 49; Pletnev (DG)
    Fugue in D for organ, WoO 31; Preston (DG)
1784:     Piano Concerto in E-flat, WoO 4; Grychtolowna, Dressel, Folkwang Chamber Orchestra (Philips)
1785:     Piano Quartet in E-flat, WoO 36, No. 1; Eschenbach, members of the Amadeus Quartet (DG)
    Piano Quartet in D, WoO 36, No. 2; Eschenbach, members of the Amadeus Quartet (DG)
    Piano Quartet in C, WoO 36, No. 3; Goldstone, Cummings String Trio (Meridian)
1786:     Trio for Piano, Flute, and Bassoon in G, WoO 37; Debost, Sennedat,Barenboim (DG)
    Romance for Piano, Violin, Flute, Bassoon, and Orchestra in e (compl. Hess), Hess 13; Blumental, Zedda, Prague Symphony (Dureco)
1790:     Cantata on the death of the Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87; Margiono,Shimell, Thielemann,Deutsche Opera Berlin Chorus and Orchestra (DG)
    Cantata on the accession of Emperor Leopold II, WoO 88; Thielemann, Chorus and Orchestra of Deutsche Opera, Berlin (DG)
1790-1:     Twenty-Four Variations for Piano on Righini’s Arietta “Venniamore” in D, WoO 65; Brendel (Vox)
    Ritterballet (Music for a Knightly Ballet), WoO 1; Karajan, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (DG)
1791:     Piano Trio in E-flat, WoO 38; Abegg Trio (Intercord)
1790-2:     Piano Sonata in F, WoO 50; Cascioli (DG)
    Violin Concerto in C, WoO 5; Kremer, Tchakarov, London Symphony Orchestra (DG LP)
    Allegretto for Piano Trio in E-flat, Hess 48; Beaux Arts Trio (DG)
    Six Variations for Piano or Harp on a Swiss Song in F, WoO 64;Robles (harp) (London)
    “Prüfung des Kussens,” Singspiel Aria for Bass Solo, “Meine weseMutter spricht,” WoO 89; Hampson, Harnoncourt, Concentus Musicus Wien
    Aria for Bass Solo for Goethe’s Claudine von Villa Bella, “MitMädeln sich vertragen,” WoO 90; Hampson, Harnoncourt, Concentus Musicus Wien
        Scene and Aria for Soprano Solo, “Primo amore,” WoO 92; Kuhse,Apelt, Staatskapelle Berlin (DG)
1792:     Thirteen Variations for Piano on the Arietta “Es war einmal ein alterMann” from Dittersdorf’s “Das rothe Käppchen” in A, WoO 66; Ogdon (EMI)
    Eight Variations on a Theme by Count Waldstein in C for Piano, Four Hands, WoO 67; Demus, Shetler (DG)
    Variations in E-flat on an Original Theme for Piano Trio, Op. 44(sketched, 1792); Stern, Rose, Istomin (Sony)
8/1792:    Allegro and Minuet for Two Flutes in G, WoO 26; Rampal,Marion (Vox)
<11/1792:Octet for Winds in E-flat, Op. 103; Mozzafiato (Sony)
1792-3:     Concerto in E for Oboe and Orchestra, Hess 12 (Andante;reconstructed from sketches); Lehrer, Ornest (Orion LP)
    Variations on “Se vuol ballare” from Le Nozze di Figaro for Violinand Piano in F, WoO 40; G. Kremer, E. Kremer (Philips LP)
< 1794:     String Trio in E-flat, Op. 3; Kogan, Barshai, Rostropovich(Melodiya)
1793:     Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in B-flat, WoO 6 Levin, Gardiner,Orchestre révolutionnaire et romantique (DG Archiv)
    Rondino in E-flat for Winds, WoO 25; Ricercar Academy (Ricercar)
    Quintet in E-flat for Oboe, Three Horns, Bassoon, Hess 19 (frag);Ricercar Academy (Ricercar)
    Allemande in A for Piano, WoO 81; Cascioli (DG) (rev. 1822):
1793-4:    Rondo in G for Violin and Piano,WoO41;Menuhin,Kempff(DG LP)
1793-5:     Piano Sonata No. 1 in f, Op. 2, No. 1; A. Fischer (Hungaroton)

etc..the text in parenthesis is what record WHRB actually played. 

There's also a great chronology at the Beethoven Reference Site.


  1. Hey!

    I noticed the links to these two Google documents are broken... Is there any way you could share them with me!? Thank you so much in advance for doing this!
