
Monday, July 11, 2011

7/11 Tchaikovsky's Beethoven

© All Rights Reserved by MikeBarnett

Having posted previously about composers "rewriting Beethoven" (Bartok, Rachmaninoff, Hindemith, Liszt), I submit Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to the list...courtesy of :
"One of his student orchestrations, Tchaikovsky scored Beethoven's famous violin sonata up to the end of the exposition of the first movement. There apparently is a recording of this on the Melodiya label, but I have not been able to acquire it yet. The current performance was made using the Garritan Personal Orchestra."
"Kreutzer" Violin Sonata (excerpt) (orch. Tchaikovsky) (1863-4): 
"Roll over Beethoven, And tell Tchaikovsky the news"
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  1. (a little off topic)

    How can one acquire the Garritan Personal Orchestra? Is it available for download? Is it open source? I use MuseScore myself, which has playback features, but I'm always looking for alternatives on the cheap. Also, are there sound font options? This sounds rather MIDI-like. I've found sound fonts for MuseScore that sound a little more realistic. If you don't have answers, no problem. If you do, great!

  2. I personally don't use Garritan, but I know it comes with Finale. It's definitely not open source. To answer your questions tho, you should post them on the original video page and the guy who made this might be able to answer you:
