
Saturday, June 4, 2011

6/4 Lieder Redux (Clarinet and Guitar Arrangements)

Recently I've been having some more fun with sequencing Beethoven compositions - this time rearranging vocal lieder from the original piano and voice instrumentation into guitar and clarinet duos.  Why?  The fact that I don't sing or play piano (tho I do play guitar and clarinet) may have something to do with it...Nonetheless I find these versions can provide additional appreciation for the melodies that Beethoven worked into the various texts he put to music.

Lieder Redux Playlist 1 (Works with Opus Numbers)
An Die Hoffnung Op.32
Adelaide, Op.46
6 Songs Op.48
  • - No.1 Bitten (Entreaty) (0:02)
  • - No.2 Die Liebe des Nachsten (Love of one's neighbor) (1:06)
  • - No.3 Vom Tode (Of Death) (1:53)
  • - No.4 Die Ehre Gottes aus de Natur (The Glory of God in nature) (3:59)
  • - No.5 Gottes Macht und Vorsehung (God's power and providence) (5:24)
  • - No.6 Busslied (Song of penance) (5:57)
8 Songs, Op.52
  • - No.1 Urians Reise um die Welt (Urian's voyage round the world) (0:02)
  • - No.2 Feuerfarb (The color of flame) (0:45)
  • - No.3 Das Liedchen von der Ruhe (The Little song about peace) (1:43)
  • - No.4 Maigesang (Maying Song) (2:36)
  • - No.5 Mollys Abschied (Molly's Departure) 4:38)
  • - No.6 Die Liebe (Love) (5:08)
  • - No.7 Marmotte (5:52)
  • - No.8 Das Blümchen Wunderhold (The Little flower wondrous fair) (6:24)
6 Songs Op.75
  • - No.1 Kennst du das Land (Do you know the land) (0:01)
  • - No.2 Neue Liebe, neues Leben (New love new life) (3:15)
  • - No.3 Aus Goethes Faust (Mephisto's Flohlied/Song of the flea) (6:09)
  • - No.4 Gretels Warnung (Gretel's warning) (8:05)
  • - No.5 An den fernen Geliebten (To the distant beloved) (9:25)
  • - No.6 Der Zufriedene (The Contented man) (10:20)
3 Songs, Op. 83
  • - 1. Wonne der Wehmut (Joy of Sadness) (0:01)
  • - 2. Sehnsucht (Longing) (2:08)
  • - 3. Mit einem gemalten Band (With a painted ribbon) (3:57)
Songs 1803-1822
  • -  Arietta Op.82, No.1 Hoffnung (1809) (Tell Me Dearest, That You Love Me..) (0:01)
  • - Op.84 Egmont: Clarchen's Song: 'Freudvoll und leidvoll' (1810) (Joy and Sorrow) (1:40)
  • - Op.88 Das Glück der Freundschaft (1803)(The Good Fortune of Friendship)(3:03)
  • - Op.99 Der Mann von Wort (1816)(A man of his word)(5:04)
  • - Op.100 Merkenstein (1816)(6:30)
  • - Op.128 Ariette (Der Kuss/The Kiss) (1822)(6:54)


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