
Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/28 Beethoven's Symphonies in Full ScoreVideos

OK, here are the Big Enchiladas, "The Nine".

Hardly any explanations are necessary, except watch these in "full screen" and on the biggest monitor possible ;).  However:
  • It's important to pay attention to the number of staff "lines" on the page, indicated by the brackets.  If all the instruments are playing then the whole page will just be one huge staff line and 1 huge bracket.  Usually though, especially in the early symphonies, there will be 2 staffs and brackets separated by a blank space or a "//" (if the strings are playing alone then there may be just 4 or 5 staffs bracketed in one line).
  • The 1st group at the top is the winds. In general the flauti (flutes) are at the top, followed by the other winds - oboi, clarinetti, fagotti (oboe, clarinet, bassoon).
  • The 2nd orchestral group is the brass/horns - corni, trombe (trumpets, horns).
  • The 3rd main "section": is the timpani or piano.  The timpani is usually an easy enough part that following the timpani can aid locating where the music is at.
  • 4th, the bottom 4-5 staffs are the strings - 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello and sometimes 1 bass.  Lots of times the basses and cellos are on the same line.  The strings are almost always going so those are a good place to keep one eye on.
  • It was pretty challenging following these score in book form and even now it's all too easy for me to get lost, but with a little practice these ScoreVideos should be very rewarding.  One helpful tip is to read through each movement twice.  The second time is always easier right after you've read it through the first time.
I know the above tips are woefully inadequate - I definitely recommend getting a real book!  Anyways at the least we have here a blog post with the greatest body of symphonic literature ever composed all in one entry.

These videos are all by YT-er 12clar3412clar34Bravo.

Symphony 1, 2 Full Score 

Symphony 3, 4 Full Score 

Symphony 5, 6 Full Score 

Symphony 7, 8 Full Score 

Symphony 9 Full Score

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