
Sunday, March 6, 2011

3/6 Emil Gilels does Sonatas 28 (Op.101) and 12 (Op. 26)

Emil Gilels is no stranger to The Daily Beethoven. After Sviatoslav Richter, he was probably the most celebrated Russian pianist to tour the US in the 20th Century. His playing, tho quite different from Richter's is also very rich and full of both energy and subtlety. HERE's a massive tribute site to Gilels.

So today we have Gilels playing one of my favorite of B.'s late piano works, Beethoven's Piano Sonata 28, Opus 101 (what I like to call the "Baroness") , followed by Gilels on Piano Sonata 12, Opus 26

Opus 101
  1. Etwas lebhaft, und mit der innigsten Empfindung. (Somewhat lively, and with innermost sensitivity.) Allegretto, ma non troppo
  2. Lebhaft. Marschmäßig. (Lively. Moderate march.) Vivace alla marcia
  3. Langsam und sehnsuchtsvoll. (Slow and longingly) Adagio, ma non troppo, con affetto
  4. Geschwind, doch nicht zu sehr und mit Entschlossenheit. (Swiftly, but not too much, and with determination) Allegro
Click HERE for the Playlist (not embeddable)

Opus 26
  1. Andante con variazioni 3/8
  2. Scherzo, allegro molto 3/4 A-flat major, D-flat major, A-flat major
  3. Maestoso andante, marcia funebre sulla morte d'un eroe 4/4 A-flat minor, A-flat major
  4. Allegro, Rondo form 2/4 A-flat major

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