
Saturday, February 26, 2011

2/26 Roger Norrington and Hélène Grimaud: A Beethoven Concert

Here comes a Daily Beethoven full-length concert post featuring our old friend Sir Roger Norrington!  Way back in the early days of TDB I posted a video featuring Sir Roger rehearsing Beethoven and dancing like a teenager at a sock-hop - but the video has since gone AWOL.  Fortunately some more concerts of his have surfaced since then and seeing/hearing him conduct is no doubt more engaging in the long run...so today I'll feature a virtual "Norrington Conducts Beethoven" program with the effervescent Hélène Grimaud as a featured pianist:

Beethoven Program
Symphony 3 "Eroica"
Symphony 6 "Pastoral"
Choral Fantasy with piano soloist Hélène Grimaud

Symphony 3 "Eroica" (47 min)
--Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra Japan Tour 2008, Sir Roger Norrington
--Date:Jan 30 2008, --Place:Sunroy Hall (Tokoy)


Symphony 6 "Pastoral" (47 min, from VHS)
London Classical Players conducted by Sir Roger Norrington.  This is Sir Roger's "house band" so to speak at a period when the Maestro was a tad younger....


Fantasy in C minor for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra (Choral Fantasia) (18:05)
Hélène Grimaud - piano
BBC Symphony Orchestra, Singers and Chorus, c. Sir Roger Norrington
BBC Proms 76, September 13th, 2008, 
Royal Albert Hall, London
Pre-show interview with Hélène here.

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