
Thursday, February 24, 2011

2/24 Beethoven's Mass in C (Color Analysis and Rock Arr.)

Beethoven's Mass in C from 1812 is not as popular as the monumental Missa Solemnis from 1823, but it's actually a big favorite with me. It was originally composed for Papa Haydn's old boss, but apparently Prince Nikolaus Esterházy II didn't clap loudly enough and our man B. stormed out in a fury... Frankly I find it's brazen modulations and fiery dynamics to be a kind of "punk-rock" cousin to the Missa...it's shorter and faster and the orchestration seems to me to be a bit leaner.

Mass in C for Solo, Chorus and Orchestra Op.86 (1812)
Sir Colin Davis with the LSO and Chorus
0:00 1. Kyrie
5:54 2. Gloria (Qui tollis – Quoniam)
16:34 3. Credo
29:00 4. Sanctus (Benedictus – Osanna)
40:36 5. Agnus Dei (Dona nobis pacem)
This work has so many sections that it might be hard to keep the video and the breakdowns all on the same page...may be best to get 2 computers side by side for this post ;)

CHANNEL LINK: Click here to see this video on my YouTube Channel. Once there, click on "...(more info)" to scroll through the text description while the video stays in place.

I. (starting 0:00)
Kyrie - Andante con moto
1st Theme: chorus: "Kyrie": C Major (BROWN)
2nd Theme: soprano solo: "Kyrie" (GREEN)
2nd Theme: solo qrtt/chorus: "Kyrie" (GREEN)
3rd Theme: solo qrtt: "Christe" (BLUE)
(1st Theme variation (chorus: "Kyrie"): E Major  2:55) (BLUE)
2nd Theme (repr.): soprano solo: "Kyrie" (GREEN)

II. (starting 5:54)
Gloria - Allegro con brio (BLUE)
1st Theme: chorus: "Gloria" C Major
2nd Theme: chorus: "Bonae voluntatis" A minor
3rd Theme: tenor solo/chorus: "Gratias agimus" Bb Major
Qui Tollis - Andante mosso (GREEN)
1st Theme: alto solo/chorus: "Qui Tollis" F minor
1st Theme: solo qrtt: "Qui Tollis"
2nd Theme: chorus: "Qui sedes"
Quonium - Allegro ma non troppo
1st Theme: orchestra: C Major (BLUE)
1st Theme: chorus: "Quoniam" (BLUE)
2nd Theme: Fugue: chorus: "Cum Sancto" C Major (MAROON)
Text Painting: solo soprano/chorus: "Amen" (PURPLE)

III. (starting 16:34)
Credo - Allegro con brio
1st Theme: chorus: "Credo" C Major (MAROON)
2nd Theme: chorus: "Factorum" (sequence of keys) (BLUE)
1st Theme variation: chorus: "Et in unum" (MAROON)
3rd Theme: chorus: "Ante omnia" (BLUE)
4th Theme: chorus: "Deum de deo" Eb Major (BLUE)
5th Theme: chorus: "Consubstantialem" Eb Major (BLUE)
6th Theme: tenor/bass solo: "Qui propter nos homines" (BLUE)
Et incarnatus est - Adagio, Part 1 (VIOLET)
1st Theme: solo qrtt: "Et incarnatus" Eb Major
2nd Theme: chorus: "Crucifixus" Bb minor and sequence of keys
3rd Theme: solo qrtt: "Passus"
Part 2 - Allegro ma non troppo (PURPLE)
1st Theme: Bass solo/chorus" "Et ascendit" D Major
2nd Theme: chorus: "Sedet" C Major
3rd Theme: chorus: "Cujus regni" G Major
4th Theme: solo qrtt: "Et in spiritum"
5th Theme: chorus: "Qui locutus est" C Major
Part 3 - (DARK BLUE)
Fugue: chorus: "Et vitam" C Major
Fugue variation: alto solo: "Et vitam" A Major

IV. (starting 29:00)
Sanctus - Adagio
1st Theme: orchestra A Major (MAROON)
1st Theme: chorus: "Sanctus" (MAROON)
2nd Theme: allegro: chorus: "Pleni sunt coeli" D Major (MAROON 2)
3rd Theme: chorus: "Osanna in excelsis" (MAROON 3)
Benedictus - Allegretto ma non troppo (BLUE)
1st Theme: solo qrtt: "Benedictus" F Major
2nd Theme: solo qrtt: "Qui venit"
3rd Theme: quartet/chorus: "Benedictus" C Major
(4th Theme: solo qrtt: "Benedictus" F Major 35:25)
1st Theme variation: solo qrtt: "Benedictus" F Major
5th Theme (reprise of Sanctus 3rd Theme): chorus: "Osanna"

V. (starting 40:36)
Agnus Dei - Poco andante
1st Theme: chorus "Agnus dei" (OLIVE)
2nd Theme: chorus: "Miserere" (BLUE)
1st Theme variation: chorus: "Agnus dei" (OLIVE)
2nd Theme variation: chorus: "Miserere" (BLUE)
3rd Theme: solo qrtt: "Dona nobis" (BLUE)
4th Theme: chorus: "Miserere" (BLUE)
5th Theme: chorus: "Pacem" (BLUE)

(breakdowns from Alan Rich's book, Play by Play!!).

Recall when I mentioned this work being like "punk-rock"?  Welll.....

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