
Sunday, November 28, 2010

11/28 Beethoven's Missa Solemnis (COE conducted by Nelson)

1st Sketch of the Missa Solemnis (BhB)
Beethoven called the Missa Solemnis his greatest work.  Written on the first page of the final score it says “From the heart — may it again — go to the heart!”.  He had done a previous Mass in C (which is somewhat underrated) but this "solemn mass" in D minor is truly sublime.  Here's the Chamber Orchestra of Europe performing it with John Nelson conducting.  A beautiful and highly focused performance.

Missa Solemnis in D major, Op. 123

Tamara Wilson, soprano
Elizabeth DeShong, mezzosoprano
Nikolai Schukoff, tenor
Brindley Sherratt, bass

Gulbenkian choir
Chamber Orchestra of Europe

Conducted by John Nelson
1 hr 15 min.
The playlist is not embeddable here, but click below to play it in sequence in Youtube...
Some great notes here and Barry Mitchell's transcription of a review by Eduard Hanslick.here.
This site is actually devoted to the Missa Solemnis and includes historical background and an analysis.
2nd sketch page.  Only 2657 more to go....(est.)
Also I finally got around to linking up the works index page...I hope I can keep it up to date!

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