
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/5 Make your own LvB Greeting Cards

Beethoven portrait by Hornemann
The Beethoven-haus in Bonn has a great website and I've mentioned it here before.  Besides the great digital reproductions of manuscripts, one nifty little thing is that they have a function where you can send a Beethoven themed e-greeting card with an image, music and a B quote.  I've gotten e-greetings with flowers and cats in the past, but none accompanied by String Quartet Opus 59 No. 3, fourth movement!

You can make your own digital greeting cards here.

The portrait above was sent by Beethoven with the letter below to his friend Stephan von Breuning after a quarrel:

My Good Dear Stephan, [1804?]

Let what for a time passed between us, lie for ever hidden behind this picture. I know it, I have broken your heart. The emotion which you must certainly have noticed in me was sufficient punishment for it. It was not a feeling of malice against you ; no, for then I should be no longer worthy of your friendship. It was passion on your part and on mine—but mistrust of you arose in me. Men came between us who are not worthy either of you or of me. My portrait has long been intended for you. You know well that it was intended for some one, and on whom better could I, with warmest feeling, give it, than to you, faithful, good, and noble Stephan. Forgive me if I did hurt your feelings ; I was not less a sufferer myself through not having you near me during such a long period ; then only did I really feel how dear to my heart you are and ever will be,

Your [without signature].

Do fly to my arms again, as in former days.

I'm preparing for a trip to Vienna to visit Beethoven's apartments so posts will be of a lighter nature the next couple of weeks...

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