
Saturday, October 30, 2010

10/30 David Dubal - The Piano in World Civilization

Here's a very entertaining lecture/concert by David Dubal and Jung Lin describing the history of the piano.  Beethoven played the piano, right?

Here's the notes from the Youtube page:
Speaker: David Dubal
Pianist: Jung Lin
This is my favorite author and friend of the late Vladimir Horowitz, David Dubal, presenting "The Piano in World Civilization." An amazing, in-depth look at the creation, rise, and modern aspect of the piano.
0:26 Introduction
3:34 - Scarlatti's Sonata in D minor, Kk. 141
**7:32 (Lecture)
19:45 - Schumann's Abegg variations in F major, Op. 1
**27:32 (Lecture)
40:21 - Chopin's Berceuse in D-flat major, Op. 57
44:25 - Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu in C-sharp minor, Op. 66
**49:21 (Lecture)
1:05:42 - Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C-sharp minor
**1:15:04 Conclusion
**7:32 (Lecture)
-Comparison of harpsichord to piano
-Creator of the piano Bartelomio Cristofori (1655 - 1731)
-Bach, Stratoverias, C.P.E. Bach
-Death of religious music, polyphony and counterpoint
-No one cared of piano at creation
-Violin and Opera are preferred over piano
-Silberman recreates the piano, but better (Italy 1725)
-Bach doesn't know how to play with inflection!
-Frederick the Great plays piano too

**27:32 (Lecture)
-J.C. Bach is the first pianist in history
-Zumpe re-recreates the piano (England 1761)
-English musical life (1767)
-Piano enters the musical world
-Mozart gives up harpsichord for piano (8 years old)
-First piano solo at an actual concert (England 1768)
-Piano business begins
-J.C. Bach, Clementi, Mozart, Horowitz, Beethoven, Chopin
-Competition against Mozart in Vienna is a draw!
-Beethoven is given a piano
-Chopin is the poet of the piano

**49:21 (Lecture)
-Great romantic composers
-Alpheus Babcock reforms the piano (America 1832)
-Chopin, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Liszt
-The atmosphere created by the pedal
-37,000 parts make up the piano
-Chickering pianos are a big deal
-Henry Steinway opens for business (America 1857)
-Ragtime's emergence
-Debussy, Joplin, Anton Rubenstein, Paderewski
-Rubenstein makes millions and rebuilds the St. Petersburg Conservatory
-Bosendorfer opens for business (1828)
-Bechstein opens for business
-Beethoven comes to America and plays 200 concerts from memory
-1911 piano's fame dies down
-1915 Phonograph overpowers the piano
-Letter is read speaking on the plight of woman
-Depression hits and only 29 piano companies exist
-War destroys German, American, French and English industries
-Yamaha opens for business (1897)
-Fazioli pianos are beautiful

**1:15:04 Conclusion
-Godowski and Hoffman have tiny hands yet are great virtuosi.
Woman to Godowski: "How do you play on such a level with such little hands?"
Godowski: "Madam, who ever told you you play piano with your hands?"

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