
Saturday, October 16, 2010

10/16 Violin Concerto (Mutter and Karajan)

A while back I posted a performance of the Violin Concerto Op.61 in Dm by Vadim Repin with conductor Valery Gergiev. For a somewhat different, perhaps more measured performance, here's Anne-Sophie Mutter performing with Herbert von Karajan conducting.  I believe Mutter auditioned the piece for Karajan when she was very young, but Karajan said to come back the following year.  So the following year they did the below performance....

Here's the full concert from an asian Youtube-like site, you'll have to wait for a Chinese commercial to end before it starts...

I came across another video profile of Karajan, I haven't seen this yet frankly but looks to cover some of the same material as the previous Karajan doc I posted about. I think this one addresses his charitable contributions more....there is a doc on Mutter on Youtube but's not in English unfortunately.

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